Mr Poop Goes for a Walk

Amnesty International’s attacks on Sri Lanka’s poor war-time human rights record were rebutted with a kneejerk response from nationalistic Sinhalese politicians: “Amnesty is attacking Sri Lanka because it’s in the pay of the LTTE”. Most people (myself included) scoffed at such paranoid and ridiculous attacks on Amnesty. After all, this was Amnesty International, a neutral organisation dedicated to exposing wrongdoing across on the planet, not beholden to any government and funded solely by its member’s donations.

Wrong, wrong, wrong. The paranoids have finally been proven correct. In a bizarre move, Amnesty proudly proclaimed receiving over $50,0000 from an LTTE front organisation, the Canadian Tamil Congress, which recently held fundraising ‘walk-a-thon’ in Toronto for Amnesty International.


Alex Neve, Amnesty International accepting $50,000 from the Canadian Tamil Congress, 21st January, 2012

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London is looted and ransacked – Amnesty Int’l calls for restraint by “all sides”

What was Amnesty International’s reaction to the London Riots when feral mobs of looters ransacked, burnt and pillaged their way through large parts of the city with the Met impotently standing aside and watching the mayhem unfold? To “call for restraint from all sides”.

This looter couldn’t restrain himself from setting fire to a van and robbing a sporting goods store.

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When Pigs Fly: Britain Preaching Human Rights to Sri Lanka

When Britain ruled Sri Lanka

Who issued this scorched-earth policy in response to local resistance against a foreign invasion army?

 ….”cut down every yielding tree, pull down every dwelling house, destroy all fields, canals and irrigation reservoirs, kill all males over the age of 14 years and slaughter all cattle leaving those which are needed for the use of the army.”   The army followed the orders to the letter, killing between 40,000 to 100,000 enforcing the promulgation. The rebel leader was beheaded.

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Come and Have a Go If You Think You’re Hard Enough.

You’ve won a brutal, pitiless 30-year war against probably the most effective and ruthless semi-conventional insurgent/terrorist group anywhere.

You’ve defied massive international pressure to stop the war as you were about to declare absolute and crushing victory.

You’ve pressed ahead with the war despite heavy civilian casualties.

You’ve faced two years incessant of criticism of your victory with unceasing demands for international investigations of abuses and war crimes trials of your victorious forces from human rights groups, Western media and diaspora supporters of the defeated force.

Your victory and the manner of its achievement have been condemned in report issued by the UN Secretary General. Gruesome execution videos damning your military and attempting to compare your country to Rwanda and Cambodia are about to be released.

Even celebrating your victory has been criticized by countries that still obsessively celebrate their military victories 60 years after the event.

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UN’s Navi Pillay (Navi who?) demands ‘full disclosure’. Obama ‘Michael’ Corleone insists ‘we took care of family business’.

“We will kill bin Laden. We will crush al Qaeda. That has to be our biggest national security priority.” President Obama in 2008.

Western bloc human rights organizations are very, very hesitantly dipping their toes into the ‘prosecute Obama for assassinating Osama ‘cos it was a human rights violation’ narrative. Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and The International Crisis Group are being extremely circumspect about tackling the US and President Obama’s actions.

'It’s not personal, its strictly business.’

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Amnesty Int’l Declares War on Sri Lanka

“Amnesty International will not rest.”

“We will not stop campaigning until the victims and their families get the truth and the justice they deserve.”

“There WILL be an international investigation into these war crimes and abuses.“

Jim McDonald declares war on Sri Lanka

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Bin Laden’s death a War Crime? Immediate UN investigation demanded.

Why wasn’t Bin Laden captured alive to stand trial for his many terrorist attacks and crimes against humanity?

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